Artsy Farsty

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My First Versatile Award!

I've never received an award before, but yesterday I was awarded The Versatile Blogger so I am thrilled to receive it! I love blogging, it's fun learning and rewarding to show off your creations!

Okay now I have some things (rules) to share with you guys...

1. Thank the person who gave you the award, and link back to them.
2. Tell seven things about yourself.
3. Award fifteen recently discovered new bloggers.
4. Contact them and let them know they've recieved the award.

1. First of all "Lots o Love" to Rita Jean over at Country Maverickess, a blog intended for your crafty eyes only!

2. Seven Things about Me, you didn't know:

- Helped comfort a very sick kitty that showed up on our doorstep recently. Tried to get her to eat and drink, but we all knew she was too far gone. She lost the battle and left us on April 2, 2011. I loved her for a very short time as she greeted us every morning with a purr. I named her Heaven because of her sweet personality and that's where she is now!

- Discovered Steampunk jewelry and bought some.

- Married to the greatest, sweetest man in the world.

- Slave to Truffles my kitty, he has trained me well!

- Recently signed up for a quilting class. Friday is class #2

- Enjoy Hosting Family Dinner parties and Holiday celebrations.

- Helping hubby renovate and remodel our 1941 home.

I will be notifying all those today to let them know of the awards given. Thanks for 
taking a peek at my blog. I would love to hear from you, so please leave me 
a comment or an idea! Have a Marvelous Day!



  1. Thanks for passing on this award and looking around your blog, I simply adore your pin cushion! Fun stuff, all the best with your blog and all your projects! Janell

  2. Thanks so much for including Totally Tutorials! :)


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