Hi I'm Sew Magic and I am a beginner! Beginner to using a sewing machine and some arts and crafts. But for now I'll just stick to how I got started at sewing. My daughter who is a special needs adult, came to reside with us for a short time a few weeks back. Previously she didn't do much in the way of utilizing her time except by staring at a TV when not working. Well here at my house, I wasn't liking that at all!
It didn't take me long to come up with activities to un-bored her. I advertised on craig's list for some easy jewelry stuff that she could do. Few days later, got some responses from a few lady's that were either cleaning out old inventory, closets, etc. Another nice lady gave us some remnants of fabric and embroidery stuff. And at last got a free sewing machine, more craft's knit/crochet yarn and lots of fabric paint, with the stipulation that I sew a dress for her, (haven't got to it yet).
Collected all this stuff, (and another sewing machine with all the bells and whistles) done some practice sewing under 30 days and I must say, I'm quite happy teaching myself and learning the basic's of it all. At first, my thought was to take some classes, but why? Might as well keep the money that I would spend on classes and use it to buy more fabric, arts and crafts items. I have the talent to think around the box and create cool things!
I have surprised myself. During it all I learned of JoAnn's store, where they sell any and everything under the sun when it comes to crafting. Great timing too, as they were having a winter sale, talk about saving lots of money. I did! Can't say too much for hubby's wallet, but I think he enjoys sewing as much as me. Got no complaints from him. Patterns for under a buck, yes I stocked up! Learning to read them is a challenge and fun. Imagine that! A middle age lady finally acting like a homemaker. Oh, better not say that too loud somebody might hear me! LOL.
My story is getting somewhat lengthy but I suppose what I'm trying to get across is, your never too old to learn something new. Even if you really do or don't enjoy it, (which I do) you don't have to spend a lot of money getting into your hobby or craft because there's always somebody getting rid of stuff either cheap or free. More importantly, at least for me I found that I love doing these things. It's therapeutic and I get to make clothing, etc that no one else in the world has one just like mine! And finally it gave us (myself and my daughter) a chance to re-connect at being a mother and daughter, even though we have been cross most of the time she's been here. As I am typing this, it brings tears to my eyes, she will be placed back into the group home environment very soon. I am putting in all the time I can (another week or so) teaching/helping her to paint t shirts, making a Valentine banner and whatever else comes to mind.
I am going to continue teaching her when she comes back for weekend visits. I believe that she finally realizes just how much I do love her and no matter how old she is, she's still my baby! No matter what!
I could keep chatting all day with ya, but I have to get some templates cut for crafts today. Tune in for pictures of my completed projects. Live and learn with us.
That is how I got started sewing b/c I'm Sew Magic!!!
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